Friday, April 19, 2019

Shabana – from medical emergencies to freedom

Shabana – from medical emergencies to freedom

My journey from illness to wellness.

My childhood was a series of medical emergencies. My dad had rheumatic heart disease and my mom had kidney problems. There was a constant worry about health and also the worry that these health issues would be passed onto us.

So life was always dont eat this or you may get heart disease dont do that or your kidneys might get affected. Drinking eight glasses of water to eating salt free food all was practiced.

The relationship with my body was of fear and distrust. My self esteem was low.

When i met Dr Vijaya Venkat she explained that all the "issues" i had with my body were actually the body's mechanisms aimed at preservation and management of health. Anju helped me change my position from having no control to being in charge of my health.

I was about to have my first baby. Around this time i picked up Neale Donald Walsh's book Conversations With God. Also for my pregnancy i read a lot of Sheila Kitzinger's books.

These three influences helped me cope with a lot of my challenges. I have come to realise that life will change its routes and frequencies and all i have to do is be prepared to adapt to it to the best of my ability.

I have simplified my life to make work-life balance, i have made awareness my compass and dispensed external compulsions. Awareness demands independence in thought and action to follow it. Dr Vijaya helped me establish this.  I cannot explain the impact this has had on my experiences. This is what i want to hold on to till the end of my days. All is well.

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