Friday, April 19, 2019

A Landmark project by THAC with Indian Cancer Society

When I attended the 3 day workshop at THAC, they mentioned about this project they did in 2012. I was intrigued that after such extra-ordinary results, why did this natural cancer treatment did not become mainstream:

Read the page 2 and 3 of this newsletter by Indian Cancer Society that details out the project and the results. 

I am also copying the text here for an easy read. 

The Indian Cancer Society has embarked on a landmark project to work with palliative cancer patients and use natural healing techniques to help them to start recovering their health. The first pilot project started in April with 5 terminally ill cancer patients with surprising results. Four out of five of the patients have made remarkable improvements in their health.  

Getting cancer is not unusual. The human body creates cancer cells every day of our lives. There are many causes of cancer including pesticides and chemicals in the food that we eat, industrial pollution in the air that we breath, over exposure to sunshine, bad lifestyle habits like smoking to name but a few. To get a detectable cancer in your body, you need a minimum of 4 billion cancer cells before it is large enough to be detected, and it starts with one cell. Depending on the type of cancer, this process can typically take between 8-10 years of multiplying before it can be detected by any early stage detection technology.

Cancer survives in the body because it is hidden from the immune system. Every cancer cell has a protein covering. The protein covering makes the cancer cell invisible to the immune system so it can quietly keep growing. The enzymes of the pancreas are designed to remove the protein covering on the cancer cell that then makes it visible to the killer cells in the immune system. The enzymes of the pancreas have to do three jobs, repair, maintenance and digestion, and have a limited capacity. The same enzymes that are used to remove the protein covering from the cancer cell are also used to digest the animal protein that we eat. And animal protein includes meat, fish and diary products. If the enzymes of the pancreas get fully consumed digesting the food that we eat, it has no capacity left to do repair and maintenance. That means that the protein covering remains on the cancer cell and it continues to grow unabated.  

If you remove the non-vegetarian and dairy products out of your diet, the enzymes of the pancreas remain plentiful to remove the protein covering on cancer cells to make them visible for the killer cells in the immune system to remove the cancer cells naturally from your body. There are an increasing number of success stories of terminally ill patients who have fully reversed cancer by just using a change in diet and lifestyle. You can read the book and watch the DVD developed in the US called 'Healing Cancer from Inside Out' at [I have watched this DVD. It is very informative] You can also check out established centres with a tremendous track record at doing this at and

In India, it is Dr.Vijaya Venkat & her Recovery Centre who have taken up the cause of spreading awareness & conviction about this natural therapy. The Recovery Centre works on the basic principal that health is natural and normal and the body is fully equipped with all of the necessary systems required to heal itself. If you cut your finger, you do not need medicine to stop the bleeding, the body will clot the blood, and new skin will form to repair the damage naturally. This principal holds good throughout our body, if we give the body the time, space and raw material that it needs to carry out the repairs and maintenance required to be healthy, and do not inhibit its’ functioning by our diet and life style habits, the body is perfectly capable of maintaining our good health. 

  • The foundation of the methodology is based on the principles of CARE which is C-Circulation, A=Assimilation, R=Respiration and E=Elimination.  
  • Since we are intrinsically a part of nature, our body rhythm responds to the rhythm of nature. At the Recovery Centre, special care is given to allow the body to be in sync with the natural rhythms of daylight and sunset.
  • The environment is to be kept as natural as possible and therefore all electronic and electrical machines are eliminated completely like televisions, phones, microwaves, etc.
  • Body awareness is increased through techniques of relaxation such as movement, focusing on the breath, hypnosis, yoga, etc.
  • Our body requires sleep to heal, for only in a state of rest is the body able to cleanse and repair itself. Thus, there is special attention given to the need for sleep.
  • The food supports the body in allowing the process of self-cleansing and self-healing to occur unhindered through a selection of foods comprising mainly of raw and living foods (which are compatible to our genetic blueprint) such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and sprouts. The foods that are provided will be adapted for health and taste.
  • Modern foods including non-vegetarian, dairy products, refined and processed foods that burden the body and inhibit the immune systems functioning are eliminated till health is regained.
  • Through counseling and other techniques the individual is motivated to learn and understand the needs of the body and the correct response to these needs.
  • An outlet for expression of stored emotions is provided to allow cathartic healing to take place. 

Indian Cancer Society in partnership with Dr Vijaya Venkat's Health Awareness Centre and Bhakti Vedanta Hospital at Mira Road launched a pilot Recovery Centre for 14 days for five terminally ill cancer patients who had no other course of treatment available. When the patients arrived at the hospital, they all arrived on stretchers, were on two-hour morphine shots for pain relief, were not sleeping or eating, were constipated and bed bound. All five patients walked out of the hospital after 14 days carrying their suitcases and on no medication. One patient had been diabetic for 25 years and was off all incline within 7 days of being admitted. The results far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

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